»La Fleur Mathématique«
Bend it like Dini!
»La Fleur Mathématique«
Bend it like Dini!
The main goal of AMBS is to use a mathematical approach to design efficient building structures. This includes skillful parameterizations of certain surfaces suitable for architectural design. The essential tools used to harness such surfaces are parametric modeling and geometric transformations.
Important but so far hardly noticed are the surfaces with negative constant Gaussian curvature (e. g. Dini), They allow special networks, having correspondences between asymptotic and principal networks. Benefits from combining those are explored during AMBS, since their properties allow the elegant creation of braced, piece-wise developable surfaces or/and planar quadrilateral panels.
Geometrical characteristics enhance design possibilities and we will explore this hands on with bamboo structures. The good reason for using bamboo is its sustainability and its structural capacity. The organic material will also challenge the precision of the parametric setup. This part will be guided by international bamboo experts.
AMBS is both a summer school to enhance knowledge and abilities of the participants, and a design space exploration of mathematics and architecture, especially applied to bamboo construction.
The summer school is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the SPP 2187. Additional funding is made possible by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.