Circular Design Challenge 2023
an International Summer Workshop under the umbrella of the New European Bauhaus
Circular Design Challenge 2023
an International Summer Workshop under the umbrella of the New European Bauhaus
The Circular Design Challenge is organised by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from the TU Dresden and the Design Campus, supported by experts from our partners Fraunhofer IWU, DesignLab for Applied Research, TU Delft and ICN Creative Business School. This 9-day program will provide the latest insights, tools and methods for circular design in the fields of construction and product design and guide you in conception of innovative solutions for repurpose of end-of-life components.
In a series of short lectures, experts will lay out the basic concepts of circular economy and systemic design. Invited guest speakers will share inspiring examples from practice and display current tendencies in transition towards circular economy. In a dynamic mix of theory and practice, you will be introduced to tools and methods for sustainable circular design and apply them to develop own solutions based on two case studies presented on site: end-of-life transportation vehicles and a factory building. In a brainstorming session, you will be assisted in conceiving innovative reuse solutions for the components of the two case studies. The ideas will be evaluated through peer and expert feedback. The best will be advanced through a multidisciplinary group work in a series of workshops. The Circular Design Challenge will end with a public presentation of the results and awarding the winning project of the CDC 2023.
Applications will be accepted until April 3rd. The Circular Design Challenge targets Master students and early PhD students from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, human-centred and engineering design as well as cognate disciplines who are eager to learn about and engage in sustainable circular design. To apply for the event the following documents need to be provided by email to
- cover letter motivating your participation in the Circular Design Challenge (maximum 1 page)
- short CV with list of relevant recent projects or publications (if any)
- optional application for travel grant (demonstrate the need on 1 page)
Participation fee is € 150. This fee covers participation, accommodation in student housing double rooms, catering and all workshop materials.
We are grateful to the funding schemes of DRESDEN-concept and TU Dresden, which enable us to cover the costs.