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The diaphanous in Architecture

Concepts of a new Orangery

The diaphanous in Architecture

Concepts of a new Orangery


  • 04/202208/2022
  • Intermediate presentation of the designs: 14/06/2022
  • Final Presentation: 12/06/2022


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Beckh,
Tim Mahn 
Patrick Schäferling


Civil Engeneering
Structural Design
Lightweight Structures


Chair of Structural Design, TU Dresden
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As part of the Architecture and Structure design studio of the Chair of Structural Design, architecture students are working on design of lightweight structures for the park of Pillnitz Palace. Under the title “The Diaphane in Architecture”, solutions for a new orangery in the park are currently developed. The concept of the diaphane, which can be paraphrased with the transparent, the translucent, but also with the ephemeral, is the starting point for the physical and conceptual examination of the design task. A careful integration into the historical surroundings as well the architectural expression and the structural behavior of the new building have to be taken into account during the design process. The aim is to derive with holistic design solutions that synthesize architectural and structural considerations into novel and specific forms.

The programmatically clearly defined task calls for an extension of the historic orangery building, which has come to its limits in recent years. Furthermore, the new structure could serve as a multipurpose summer pavilion to provide shelter for concerts and other cultural activities in the park. The spatial program of the new structure has been developed in close dialogue with the stakeholders of Pillnitz Palace. 

Concept by Weipeng Yuan

Concept model by Lasse Hamann

Indoor rendering of the concept by Fang Li 

Concept presentation at Design Campus by Yuting Li

Pillnitz Palace and Park from an idealised bird’s eye view, copperplate engraving between 1726 – 1740

Orangery at Pillnitz Park & Palace

The Palm House at Pillnitz Palace & Park

Inside the he Palm House