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EVENT - Undsonstso


We were very happy to welcome the #106 edition of "Undsonstso" in Dresden at Pillnitz Palace and Park. It is a platform that brings together all of Dresden's creative talents. Every four weeks for one evening, small keynotes are held for everything that is worth telling and rousing about what is happing around town.

Thomas Geisler, the museum's director, introduced the Design Campus as the museum's research and development platform. With his Summer School running along with the event, he spoke about the original idea, the concept and future visions.

The curator and research assistant of the Museum of Decorative Arts Klara Nemeckova presented the special exhibitions of the last few years in which the design of the DDR was brought to the fore. The project of East German design history had a highlight with the special exhibition "German Design 1949-1989. Two Countries One History".

Kathi from the Palais Café will be providing the evening's culinary delights with beer and fizzy drinks and a small bite to eat.
Between opening the cold drinks, she briefly introduced us to the sustainable zero-waste concept. The café with its philosophy and services is an important partner for the catering of the Design Campus Summer School.

Alle Fotos © David Rost