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Last Friday we discussed with the project partners of the MADE IN Platform and many invited guests about nothing less than the future of crafts - about collaborations with design, technology, research, about knowledge transfer and intangible cultural heritage, about crafts and their social impact as well as new technologies in crafts.
Many thanks to all participants of the MADE IN DIALOGUES conference CRAFTING THE FUTURE!
Your input and enthusiasm made the panel discussion and round table discussions a lively and very enriching exchange!

The participants in the PANEL DISCUSSION emphasised the social and societal impact of craft. In addition, because crafts do not have to produce in a standardised way, they have a great capacity for experimentation, which predestines them to find answers, for example, to the pressing question of sustainable production for a future society. To this end, mutual exchange at eye level between crafts, design, research and technology should become a matter of course. The following discussed: Laura Miguel Baumann, Secretary General of the World Crafts Council Europe @wcceurope / Josephine Hage @josephine_hage , European Capital of Culture (ECC) Chemnitz + Region 2025 @chemnitz2025 / Ulrich Goedecke, Chamber of Crafts Dresden / Heinrich Ehnert, Designer and Metal Designer @heinrichehnert / Schnuppe von Gwinner, Art Historian, Author, Blogger @schnuppevongwinner #craft2eu

In the FAST INPUT, all project partners of the @MADEINPLATFORM introduced themselves with their activities in a Pecha Kucha session. This was followed by insights into the projects of the experts invited for the ROUND TABLES in the afternoon. Among them: Andrea Tomasi @homofaber, Alina Zerban @corizom, Martin Bereuter @werkraum.bregenzerwald, Markus Weber @denkstatt_erzgebirge, Ina Turinsky @burg_labs, Madina Benvenuti @madineurope, Tobias Zerger, @technischesdesign

Intense, enriching and actually far too short. These were the ROUND TABLE discussions in the afternoon on: Collaborations between craft, design, technology, research / Craft and society / Knowledge transfer and intangible cultural heritage / New technologies and craft.The different perspectives and approaches of the invited experts provided plenty of input and discussion material. We would like to thank everyone for their commitment and hope that the conference provided everyone with much inspiration for further work on the future of crafts.

Participating in the discussions were: Juliane Horn, Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labour and Transport / Alina Zerban @corizom / Ina Turinsky @burg_labs / Markus Weber @denkstatt_erzgebirge / Martin Bereuter @werkraum.bregenzerwald / Dorothee Hemme @handwert_werkstatt / Matthias Röder @rosenwerk / Andrea Tomasi @homofaber / Madina Benvenuti @madineurope / Michl Goß, Studio Mett Leipzig / Ulrich Goedecke, Handwerkskammer Dresden.

Meanwhile, in the Media Lab and the Fair Fashion Factory @japanischespalais.skd , the great work of @theconstitute and Katrin Havekost #fairfashionfactory could be experienced for yourself in the customisation of the conference bags.