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Hello and welcome to the registration for the Design Campus Summer School, Class 2024 – WATERSCHOOL: A Speculation in Four Seasons curated by Studio Makkink & Bey

To register, select your favorite workshop and complete the registration form online.

Please note that the registration is binding after sending the form.

The registration will continue on a rolling basis, as space allows. However, the earlier the better as each workshop can take a maximum of 15 participants.

We believe in the power of design, transdisciplinarity, cultural diversity and education for all, and encourage participants from all backgrounds to apply. Find more information with further application steps.

The duration of one workshop is 7 days, core tutorial Monday to Friday, starting on Sunday afternoon (arrival) until Saturday morning (departure).

Learn more about admission, deadlines and program on the school page.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Please note:

  1. A registration is binding and requires upfront payment. For each selected workshop, please now open the links below and finish the payment in our online shop. When you complete an order, you will receive an order number on the confirmation page and/or confirmation email. Please copy this order number into the field next to the workshop. Do not close this form; your registration is not complete until the orders are complete.
  2. Fields marked with a * are mandatory and have to be filled out, otherwise the application can not be accepted.
Workshop selection

Please choose the workshop(s) you like to attend – the registration is binding after sending the form.

Please describe your motivation to participate on this specific workshop (max. 100 words)

Professors, Friends, Newsletter, Magazine, Instagram, Other?

About you

Please do not fill in.


Please upload your CV in PDF format.

Max. 2 pages – the file should not exceed 1 MB.

We would like to get to know you. Please describe yourself professionally – your background, fields of work, profession & roles (max. 100 words)